Sunday, April 26, 2009

11 Days and Counting

Well, it's officially count down time. I cannot believe it is almost time for me to leave America and head out to Uganda. After all that has happened this semester, I can barely believe that I am finally going to actually make it to Africa. I am so excited but so scared at the same time. I feel completely unprepared even with all the training, but I don't really think that I can fully be prepared for this summer until I actually get there and start working. I really am so excited and so unbelievably grateful to all those who donated and helped to make this possible. I cannot wait to meet the people I will be working with for the next three months. I will be writing from Uganda and updating this blog as frequently as I can. The internet in Uganda is not reliable and secure but hopefully I will be able to update it semi-regularly. In our village of Lugazi there is an internet cafe just a block or so down the street from our house where I will be able to send emails and update this blog. It will be interesting to learn to live without the things that we take for granted in America. This will be a huge blessing in my life and I can't wait to share the things I learn from this experience.