It's been an interesting juggling act trying to get ready for Uganda this summer, keeping up with school, and dealing with some medical problems that have come up recently. Over the past few weeks I have had a few medical scares that made getting ready for this summer a very rocky roller coaster. At times I thought that I would not be able to go, other days I was told that I could. It was really difficult for me to not know what was going on, to never have a sure answer from my doctors. But then I remembered the most important thing. I had already received my answer months ago. When I originally contemplated going to serve the people of Uganda I prayed about going and my answer was a very firm "Yes." My parents received the same confirmation. Through the tough times of the past few weeks it has been a faith building experience for me to rely on my answer to prayer rather than the 'arm of flesh' or simply the unreliable answers of medical doctors, which in my case were changing every day.
Every day my desire to be with the people of Uganda grows and grows and my faith in what we are going to be doing strengthens. I already have developed such a love for these wonderful children of God, I cannot wait to actually meet them face to face and serve them for three months. Originally the trip was to be four months, but these medical circumstances have changed that and it has been shortened to three. But that just strengthens my desire and drive to make those three months count and work as hard as possible to accomplish as much good as possible while there.
The main goal of HELP International is to empower the people so that when we leave they are able to continue doing on their own the things we taught them. I know this will be an amazing experience for myself personally, but even more than that, I hope that I can at least help in the life of someone in need in Uganda and be of service to one of God's beloved children in need.
Cute blog! I'm so excited for you and you will do a terrific job!!!!