Monday, July 19, 2010


Well, a friend of mine told me I need to write more about myself rather than just my experiences in Uganda, and that I should change the title of my blog. How can people be sick of hearing about me in Uganda?? I never talk about it! :P I haven't gotten to changing my blog title, but I'll write more about my own life in this post rather than Ugandan experiences. That should satisfy him. :)

So, it's been a period of life changing decisions for me. This coming fall semester will be my final semester at BYU. So unbelievably exciting seeing as I have never enjoyed school. But now I am experiencing the fear of "what next?!" I think that most girls can agree that growing up in Young Women's we all are subtly, or not so subtly, taught that we will just go to college and find the man of our dreams and get married before we graduate. We'll probably get our degree but won't really need to use it because our husband will provide for us while we raise our family in righteousness. It sounds great, but when reality hits, I'm graduating from BYU unmarried, with a degree and minor that I am going to have to use. It may sound like I am upset about the fact that I did not get married at age 19 or 20 while finishing school at BYU, but when I think about it, I really am not. I just turned 22, I'm graduating from college, and am still barely experiencing life. The experiences that have made me who I am today, I could never have had if I had gotten married young. I am incredibly grateful for the Lord's timing. I have been able to have experiences that have molded and shaped me into the person I am becoming. I'm by no means the person I hope to become in the future, but I'm on the right path and will continue that way through more life experiences.

Not only is there the fact that I'm leaving BYU unmarried, but now I need to find a job...a REAL job! I have always enjoyed working. And I truly love my field of work. I expected that I would be able to stay somewhat close the next few years. My dream job is in Salt Lake City with Church Headquarters working with Church Humanitarian Services. But they have the hiring freeze, thus no job there right now. Starting looking at the job market I had a huge shock realizing that my real job options are actually out in Washington D.C. I had never thought about living out there. I am not a big city person and the idea of living there completely scares me.

Currently I am looking for an internship position after graduation and am hoping to find one either with the Church in SLC or one in D.C. It will be a big life change either way. But I keep telling myself that change is good and everything will work out for the absolute best!
Change is just an opportunity for God to steer our lives in a better direction.

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